National Biodiversity Action Plan - public consultation on the draft
With a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency declared in the Dáil in 2019, we are losing global biodiversity at a rate unprecedented in human history. In Ireland, many of our protected habitats are in poor condition and 14% of assessed species are thought to be endangered. This ongoing biodiversity loss poses a threat not alone to our environment and natural heritage, but to our economy, society, our health and to our quality of life.
A new National Biodiversity Action Plan or NBAP (#Biodplan22) is currently being prepared to respond to the biodiversity emergency, and to meet Ireland’s national and international obligations under global agreements on sustainability and nature conservation.
A draft version of the plan was open for public consultation with an online survey, and options to send more detailed views by email or post - click the button below to visit the Government consultation page for more information:
The National Biodiversity Conference 2022 formed a key part of the NBAP consultation process. You can also read a summary of how work was carried out on the development of the 4th NBAP HERE and read more on the key objectives as explored at the 2022 conference below:
Key objectives
Some key objectives of the next NBAP explored in the National Biodiversity Conference:
Fostering a whole-of-government, whole-of-society approach
Meeting urgent conservation needs
Securing nature’s contribution to people
Linking biodiversity and climate action
Enhancing the evidence base for action
Strengthening partnerships for people and planet
A number of parallel sessions explored how different sectors of society and economic activity can engage with the NBAP and related initiatives, with attendees invited to give their perspectives on the actions required to achieve our biodiversity objectives.
Key themes
Some of the key themes included:
Biodiversity research, data and the role of academia
Linking Climate Action and Biodiversity
Marine conservation
Driving conservation and recovery in agriculture and forestry
Biodiversity and human health and well-being
The role of zoos, formal gardens and aquaria in supporting the NBAP
The role of private sector finance and enterprise in promoting nature restoration
Business for Biodiversity: Private sector action on conservation and restoration
Biodiversity, culture and social well-being
Promoting recovery in freshwater systems
Sustainable planning
Education & outreach – Inspiring public engagement
Communities in Action: Villages, towns, farms, townlands
Building partnerships for restoration